October 26, 1999 to October 30, 1999
Directed by Marjorie Howarth
Susan Kerner and Larry Eastwood are invited to the Brabissant mansion by the Mackeys who are struck by Susan's resemblance to Veronica Brabissant, long-dead daughter of the family for whom they work. Susan goes along with the charade to comfort Veronica's only living relative. But once dressed in Veronica's clothes, Susan finds herself locked in the role...and locked in Veronica's room. Or is she Veronica, in 1935, pretending to be an imaginary Susan?
The Man............................................Gordon Gell
The Woman.....................................Janet Townes
The Girl.............................................Angela Tims
The Young Man..............................Johnny Eagles
For The Marlowe Player
Stage Manager....................................Jenny Cooper
Set Design.............................................Gil Townes
Set Construction................Gil Townes, Steve Cooper
Brian Burrows, Mike Martin, Chris Nixon, Mike Asprey
..............................Tony Whitley, Richard Stevenson
Lighting..............................................Steve Cooper
Sound....................................................Gil Townes
Wardrobe.......................Rita Shipley, Audrey Warne
Properties................................Pat Upton, Sue Orme
Continuity..............................................Rachel Dale
Music.............................................Marjorie Howarth
Front of House...Justin Pinchbeck, Richard Stevenson
Photography.............................................Phil Upton
This production was dedicated to two former members of the Marlowes who, sadly, died during rehearsals - Frank Grundy and Alan Morton.
Frank, was not a face that our audiences would have been familiar with but he was a valuable member of our backstage crew and could always be relied upon to find some of the more unusual items required for our set building in his garage cum workshop. His skillful contribution as a member of the set construction team and his cheery personality will be greatly missed.
Alan, on the other hand, will be well-known to many of you for his numerous roles over many years, his timing was immaculate and his sense of fun was always apparent. He was justly proud of the Eagle Award he was presented with last year for his performance in Lady Windermere's Fan and will be remembered by us all for his great courage during a long battle against cancer - he was a friend and a gentleman.
Angela Tims was voted best newcomer for her role as The Girl.
Veronica's Room was voted best production.