October 30, 2007 to November 3, 2007
By Wilkie Collins adapted by Constance Cox
Directed by Janet Townes
The story of the unhappy Laura Fairlie and the plot to deprive her of her fortune is as gripping now as when Collins first wrote it in 1860. Who is the mysterious woman in white? Can she save Laura from the dark world of powerful and dangerous men?
Mrs Vesey..........................Diane Dawson
Walter Hartwright.................John Freeman
Marion......................................Lisa Kelly
Mr Gilmore.............................Chris Nixon
Frederick Fairlie....................Mark Tunstall
Louis.......................................Matt Swan
Laura Fairlie....................Felicity Freeman
Ann Catherick.................Felicity Freeman
Sir Percival Glyde...............Matt Shepherd
Count Fosco.........................Mike Asprey
Countess Fosco.......................Sue Orme
Mrs Catherick....................Linda Cheshire