February 23, 1993 to February 27, 1993
By Christopher Marlowe
Directed by Vida Ayres
Troy has fallen. Using the stratagem of the giant wooden horse, in which to smuggle an advance party of soldiers into the city, the Greeks open the gates to their waiting army. The Trojans are overthrown. Aeneas and his followers flee and set sail for Italy. A violent storm arises and the Trojans are shipwrecked on the coast of Africa near Carthage. They are given shelter and feasted by Queen Dido who is herself a refugee from Tyre.
Christopher Marlowe was born in 1564, the same year as William Shakespeare. He died 1st June 1593, having been stabbed to death in a tavern in Deptford. It is probable that he was engaged in espionage on behalf of the government. He was involved in the School of Night, a free-thinking group which met at Sir Walter Raleigh's house in the Strand. They had a reputation for atheism and necromancy. He wrote only seven plays but his influence on blank verse was considerable.
The Gods
Jupiter............................................Alan Morton Ganymede.....................................Richard Mills
Hermes..................................Richard Stevenson Cupid.......................................Jenny McDonald Juno............................................Wendy Walker Venus......................................Marjorie Howarth
Aeneas............................................Gordon Gell Ascanius, his son.....................Damian Gilmartin Achates..........................................Colin French
Ileoneus.........................................Steve Francis Cloanthus.........................................Dean Davis Sergestus......................................John Woolley Soldier............................................Robert Gray
Iarbas.................................Malcolm Bradbrook Dido.............................Laura Hetherington-Parry Anna, her sister..............................Susan Orme
Nurse............................................Pauline Green First Lord.............................Richard Stevenson Ladies & Attendants....................Tracy Hanson ...........Pam Burrows, Kim Francis, Holly Townes .............Kenneth Underwood, Kathryn Werbinski
For The Marlowe Players
Stage Manager.............................Janet Townes Lighting........................................Tony Whitley Sound.............................................Gil Townes Set Construction..........Gil Townes, Frank Grundy ..................Ray Kelly, Vince Morris, Mike Martin ...........Rob Nelson, Steve Francis, Paul Southam Costume Design/Wardrobe...............Val Whitley Hairdressing...............................Helen Howarth
Properties.......................................Kim Francis ...............................Pam Burrows, Tracy Hanson Front of House............................Audrey Warne .........................Margaret Kelly, Carole Wheatley Technical Assistant ......................Mike Grundy Publicity.......................Laura Hetherington-Parry Continuity..................................Anthea Blundell Photography....................................Dean Davis