November 1, 2005 to November 5, 2005
Directed by Chris Nixon
A comedy written and directed by Chris Nixon.
When an eccentric wholesale meat magnate dies, the aggrieved family gather to see what comfort they might derive from his will. Things go from bad to frantic for the troubled brood (not to mention the sinister minister) and what with unwelcome visitors, shocking revelations and events, murderous consequences ensue in a desperate bid to redirect the inheritance.
Giles…………. …..……Rob Hodkinson
Freddie……….….………Mat Shepherd
Iris…………….....……… Andrea White
Berry………….....…...……Emily Peers
Doctor Morton…..…..……Tony Whitley
Winston….…….……..…John Freeman
Reverend Deavour…....Terry Stevenson
Leila……………….......…Jenny Cooper
Mr Queeze…….……...……Kees Vugts
The Inspector……...….….….Sue Orme
Muriel……….……..…Marjorie Howarth
For The Marlowe Players
Assistant Director ........................................ Jennifer Weaver
Stage Manager ............................................... Janet Townes
Lighting .......................................................... Steve Cooper
Publicity ........................................................... Kees Vugts
Sound ............................................................... Gil Townes
Wardrobe .................................................. Marjorie Howarth
Properties ........................................ Ian Taylor, Rita Shipley
Set Design ..................................... Chris Nixon, Gil Townes
Front of House ...................... Emma Sinclair, Penny Haynes
..................... Anthea Blundell, Pauline Green, Audrey Warne